14th Annual Fibrefest
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum’s highly anticipated Fibrefest is returning for its 14th annual event! Join the celebrations from September 11th – 13th at the North Lanark Agricultural Hall, Almonte Old Post Office and the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM). All sites will feature fibre art vendors, demonstrations, lace, quilt, and weaving exhibitions, a textile appraisal fair, a quilting play and fashion shows for everyone to enjoy! A two full-day festival of the fibre arts at three exciting heritage locations!
Join the MVTM on Friday, September 11th from 7-9 pm as they host the opening gala, and the play ‘Quilting Pieces’ as presented by the Valley Players. This original play, written by: Elizabeth Inder Corewin & Barbara Inder Robertson, will delight in two acts as guests can reveal in the beauty of each quilt as it is changed to correspond with the next scene. For other show times throughout the weekend, please call the Museum.
Throughout Fibrefest weekend there will be the featured exhibition, 'Fibre Adventures: Collaborations!' by the Ottawa Valley Weavers & Spinners. In this great collection textile artists have been pared together to showcase unique co-creations. Some pieces are the result of paring a spinner and knitter, an embroiderer and weaver or a weaver and papermaker and many more variations. Don’t miss your last chance to view the Museum’s special exhibit ‘Halas Lace’. This acclaimed exhibition of handcrafted beauty showcases over 100 years of Hungarian lace brought to you by the Embassy of the Republic of Hungary. On display in the Norah Rosamond Hughes Gallery will be ‘Service Comforts’. This exhibition will join period artifacts with hand knitted clothing from Beehive Patterns of the 1940’s, depicting woolen field and hospital wear in beautiful vintage colours.
Also not to be missed are the tearoom services provided by the Friends of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum featuring homemade goodies, beverages and sandwiches that will tempt the taste buds. Visit the North Lanark Agricultural Hall and treat yourself!
For only $20 you will be able to view the opening gala, show and have entry for the rest of the weekend festivities. If you’re not planning to attend the Friday event the entry fee on Saturday & Sunday will be $5 to both sites. These locations will present vendors of fibre arts supplies and finished goods, and throughout Fibrefest, local guilds will be on hand to demonstrate the arts of knitting, lacemaking, smocking, weaving, spinning, quilting, penny rugs and more!
Fibrefest runs on Saturday, September 12th from 10am – 5pm and Sunday, September 13th from 10am – 4pm at the North Lanark Agricultural Hall on the Almonte Fair Grounds, Almonte Old Post Office on Mill Street and at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum at 3 Rosamond Street East in Almonte, just 45 minutes west of downtown Ottawa. For more information contact the Museum at 613-256-3754 x 10 or mvtm@magma.ca