The Valley Voices, Almonte's community choir, invites you to their 'Sing We Now of Christmas' concert on Sunday, November 28, 7:00 pm at the Almonte United Church (partial proceeds going to the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum). Under the direction of Becky Sweizer, the choir has been rejuvenated with a grand group of new singers lending their excellent voices to the group. The selection of music is outstanding – beautiful songs to put you in the mood for winter and for the Christmas season - songs such as ‘The Snow Begins To Fall’ and ‘Winter, Fire and Snow’. You’ll love the calypso beat of ‘The Stars’. There’ll also be several familiar Christmas carols that will get you humming along.
Invite a friend - invite several. We guarantee an evening you’ll enjoy. Five Dollar tickets are available from choir members or at the door. For information call Amanda 613-256-0134.
The Valley Voices will also be performing ‘Brother Heinrich’s Christmas’ along with the Valley Players at the Mill of Kintail on Saturday, December 11 during the day.