( click on title to link to Anne Kelly's website)
Bring your odds and ends of old fabrics, lace and paper to the Museum on Saturday, December 22 from 1 to 4 pm and create unique seasonal gifts.
Instructor Anne Kelly is a textile artist who works with recycled fabric, paper and notions, together with stitching, collage and photographic processes to craft what have been described as “small worlds.” Her inspirations come mainly from folk art and textiles. Often a small scrap or remnant will inspire a whole piece. The subject matter for her current work in layered mixed media was originally botanical but developed into larger more narrative pieces. Collaborations with other artists are an also important aspect of Kelly’s work examples of which can be found on her website at www.annekellytextiles.com
She is currently co-authoring a book for Batsford/Anova press called “Connected Cloth” to be published next year.
Come out and join Anne to learn exciting techniques and be inspired while creating something special. supply kit for $10 a head and $25 for the afternoon. To register call 613-256-3754 x7 or info@mvtm.ca
Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) president, Kathy Priddle (left) presents raffle winner Tanis Cowan (right) of Toledo, Ontario with a hand-woven coverlet made at the MVTM. The coverlet was designed and woven by volunteers at the MVTM, some of whom are from the West Carleton Fibre Guild. It was the grand prize in a year-long raffle that raised $1,660.00 for the museum.
Seventeenth Annual Fibrefest!
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum’s highly anticipated Fibrefest is returning for its 17th annual event on September 8th & 9th, 2012 at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM), the North Lanark Agricultural Hall (Ag. Hall), the Almonte Old Town Hall (AOTH), North Larark Regional Museum, and the Mill of Kintail. At these locations we will be featuring everything from fibre art vendors and demonstrations to fibre art exhibits—a full two-day festival of the fibre arts! Five exciting sites for one admission fee!
The cost to enter Fibrefest is $5 per day. The locations present vendors of fibre arts supplies and finished goods, and throughout Fibrefest, local guilds will be on hand to demonstrate the arts of knitting, lacemaking, smocking, weaving, spinning, quilting, penny rugs, button collecting and more!
Featured Artist: Judy Miller – Textile Artist
Ms. Miller is often inspired by travels she has been privileged enough to take. Whether the subject is nature’s beauty or the combination of natural and architectural elements, Ms. Miller hopes her viewers can imagine themselves in the scene and enjoy the view. Ms. Miller strives to produce pieces with a strong emphasis on colour and texture.
The mixture of threads and fabric is comparable to the mixing of colour on a painter’s palette. Ms. Miller combines fabric-painting techniques and free-motion machine embroidery to produce works rich in colour and texture. She often starts with a sketch from a photograph. She paints the composition on cotton using fabric paint, watercolour pencils, or ink. She then uses threads to provide colour and detail, giving the pictures depth and richness.
Featured Group exhibit: TREES by: Threadworks
Threadworks is a special project of the Ontario Network of Needleworkers'(ONN) 1,000+ members. It showcases exceptional and creative needlework by artists from across Canada. Wellington County Museum and Archives (WCMA) in Fergus, Ontario is proud to host, sponsor, and support the inaugural exhibition, and acts as the organizing venue.
Threadworks is a juried exhibition that is mounted every three years and travels across Ontario to many museums and galleries.
In 2010, the interpretive theme was "Trees." Practitioners of the needle arts were invited to submit up to 3 pieces (the actual work, not photographs). All pieces had to be substantially worked with a threaded hand- or machine-needle and be of original design. The maximum size was set at 36" x 45" (although diptychs and triptychs are acceptable). Of the 230+ pieces of work received for the year (2010), 61 were chosen for circulation around Ontario for the following three years.
Featured Events: the Tweed Ride and Doors Open Mississippi Mills.
The Tweed Ride Almonte
The bicycle is big in Almonte, almost as big as its heritage as Canada’s premier textile town. Join us for a gently paced “weave” through town. Wear tweed, or choose the stylish outfit of a bygone time. Plus fours, bowties, cravats, Harris tweeds, vintage wear, are all perfectly tailored to this tour. And a bike of any fashion will fit right in.
If the cut of your cloth makes you “The Most Dapper Chap” or “The Most Dashing Dame”, a posh prize is in store.
Our guided routes this year will feature a leisurely ride through town, starting at the Almonte fair
ground grandstand, and passing a number of Doors Open locations. The countryside loop will pass through Blakeney and past the Mill of Kintail (11) and the Auld Kirk (12). Tweed Rides are happening around the Globe in support of good causes. The charity supported by Almonte’s ride is “Bicycles for Haiti”. Do consider a donation on the day of this “ride with style”.
Join us Saturday, September 8 at 12:30 p.m. Don’t spin your wheels, register by September 6.
For Details & Registration visit tweedridealmonte.ca or email tweedridealmonte@gmail.com
Doors Open Mississippi Mills & Carleton Place
Doors Open is a celebration of our community heritage and an opportunity for you to visit many of the historic and architecturally significant sites in Carleton Place, Almonte and area.This year we are “opening the doors” to churches, inns, a clock tower and even a waste water treatment plant. So why not join us “on the Mississippi”. Admission is free (excepting Fibrefest sites). Whether you are interested in history, architecture or textile crafts we have something of interest for everyone.
The Friends of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum will be providing tea room services featuring homemade goodies, beverages and sandwiches all available at a reasonable price.
Admission to Fibrefest is $5.00, which includes access to all sites. Fibrefest runs on Saturday September 8 from 10AM – 5PM and Sunday September 9 from 10AM – 4PM at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum, the North Lanark Agricultural Hall, the Almonte Old Town Hall, the North Larark Historical Museum and the Mill of Kintail, just 45 minutes west of downtown Ottawa. The North Lanark Agricultural Hall is located at the Almonte fair grounds, the Almonte Old Town Hall is located at 14 Bridge St, the North Lanark Regional Museum is located at 647 River Road the Mill of Kintail is located at 2854 Con. 8, RR 1 and the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum is located at 3 Rosamond Street East in Almonte. For more information contact the museum at 613-256-3754 x7 or info@mvtm.ca
For more information on Fibrefest or photos of past events please contact Michael Rikley-Lancaster, Curator at 613-256-3754 x7 or info@mvtm.ca
Handmade Harvest is proud to present the Holiday 2012 edition of the Handmade Harvest Craft Show!
Handmade Harvest is proud to present the Holiday 2012 edition of the Handmade Harvest Craft Show!
At the Almonte Old Town Hall Saturday November 3rd (9 to 3) & Sunday November 4th (10 to 3).
In response to feedback we’ve received from shoppers and vendors alike, this time we’re doing things a little bit differently and have opted to host the show over TWO DAYS, with DIFFERENT VENDORS EACH DAY!
(Did you know we now get about 200 applications to fill only 40 spots at our holiday show? It’s simply getting too hard for our jury to decide!)
We are currently harvesting talented crafters to fill 60+ vendor positions.
We're looking for the cream of the crop in all areas from clothing & accessories to home decor & art, bath & body, baby & kids, toys & textiles.
Think you've got the goods? Good.
Send an email to hello@handmadeharvest.com with:
Your name
Your business name
Contact info (web/blog/facebook/etsy)
A description of your handmade goods
A minimum of 3 (great) photographs. Jpeg only.
Indication of whether you “Prefer Saturday”, “Prefer Sunday” or “Don't care”.
This is a juried event. Vendors will be chosen carefully and assigned to either Sat or Sun to ensure a balanced representation of each category.
Applications will be accepted by email only.
Only complete applications will be considered.
Acceptance letters will be delivered by August 31st.
If accepted we will email along a contract for you to sign and return with payment.
Crafter fees are:
Saturday: $125 (includes 6ft table and 2 chairs)
Sunday: $75 (includes 6ft table and 2 chairs)
Fees must be paid and contract received no later than September 15th if accepted.
Please do NOT send payment until you have received notice of acceptance.
Due to the fact that this is new ground for us we've applied a smaller fee for Sunday. However we are whole-heartedly optimistic that this day will be equally successful, and be sure that we will promote the second day as much as the first.
Handmade Harvest . Box 1183 Almonte . Ontario . K0A 1A0
Emily & Colleen
Your enthusiastic Handmade Harvest Organizers
Applications due on Aug 24, 2012
TWIST is a unique fibre festival in Québec bringing together the most important players in the field.
Please follow this link for more information
TWIST is an annual event that serves as a showcase of the fibre world and is intended for the general public, enthusiasts, fibre producers, fleece animal breeders, transformers, artists, artisans, professionals and semiprofessionals.
TWIST is a 3-day event featuring dozens of workshops, activities, an art exhibit with a modern twist and over 60 exhibitors from all trades of the fibre industry.
If you are interested and attend any of the workshops please feel free to comment below on how you enjoyed the workshops and what you participated in!
Please join us in a wonderful evening of Song, June 10 at 7pm.
To be held at Almonte United Church. Tickets are available at Baker Bob's or the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum. For advance Tickets the cost is $7, for admission at the door the Ticket price is $10. Please join us and continue to support your local Museum (MVTM)
Celebrate the Goddess Fashion Show
Saturday June 16th from 2 – 4 pm
An afternoon of fashion presented by:
The Saje-Wisdom Salon and Spa,Appleton
The White Lilly , Mill Street , Almonte.
The White Lilly has enjoyed one year in business and Saje 12 years. To celebrate these special anniversaries there will be a fashion show fundraiser held at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum.
"Saje Wisdom ... Sharing the Journey of Transformation."
Performing expert quality beauty services that their guests have come to trust while using the safest and most natural products and methods for the wellness of their guests and the environment.Being welcoming hosts while providing a serene, reassuring setting thus leading to a sense of well-being, escape and a memorable experience.
Lilly had a dream - literally.
"Before you plan to retire in Bali, bring Bali home to Almonte." So off she went to Bali - literally - and found Goddess On The Go clothing, which is made from eco-friendly bamboo. After three months of success The White Lilly expanded to carry 12 colours, and fourteen different styles, sizes XS - XXXL. The White Lilly is the only store in North America selling this product, and now the Goddess On The Go label has been changed to the White Lilly label!
The White Lilly also carries handmade leather and suede shoes in colours to match their exciting selection of clothing. They are currently working with Janet from Goddess On The Go and Andrew Harvey to bring in a men's line of clothing. Just a few new ways to Power Up Your Life!
We will be selling tickets for a $1000.00 give-away, includes Goddess on the Go clothing, Whitelight Workshop and Saje Wisdom hair and Spa treatments.Hors d’oeuvres by Foodies Fine Foods. Tickets are available at Saje Wisdom Salon Spa, Appleton, The White Lilly, Baker Bob’s and The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum.
All proceeds from ticket sales will go to the operations of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum.
$25 in advance, $30 at the door
Mississippi Valley Textile Museum
28 April, 2012 ~ 29 April, 2012 At the Museum Join Internationally renowned Felt Maker, SUE PEARL for a two-day workshop and share her felt making techniques and innovations.
SUE PEARL lives in London, England and is an active member of the International Felt Makers Association (www.feltmakers.com). She has just returned from three months in Australia where she taught workshops and met Australian felt makers. (see article in ‘Felt Matters,’ March 2012 issue, “Pam de Groot, Australia”). She is now planning her April and May 2012 sojourn in New York, Montreal and Ottawa with the help of “The Wrapping Cloth”*. Her busy schedule includes a two day workshop in Hudson – April 25th and 26th and at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum, Almonte – April 28th and 29th.
For more information: download profile or check out her web site www.feltbetter.com
How to make a creative piece of flat felt
How to make felt beads
How to make pre-felt to create graphic shapes and pictures
Learn the basics of cobweb and nuno felt
Three dimensional felt items
Design and Make a felt bag using the techniques from Day 1.
Learn about the International felting ‘scene and how to access supplies
WORKSHOP FEE: $95 per day or $175 for 2 days
Supply kit $25 per person
Refreshment provided but please bring your own lunch
To reserve a place: email
or contact Jennifer Ryder Jones at 613 256 8373
28 April, 2012 ~ 29 April, 2012 At the Museum Join Internationally renowned Felt Maker, SUE PEARL for a two-day workshop and share her felt making techniques and innovations.
SUE PEARL lives in London, England and is an active member of the International Felt Makers Association (www.feltmakers.com). She has just returned from three months in Australia where she taught workshops and met Australian felt makers. (see article in ‘Felt Matters,’ March 2012 issue, “Pam de Groot, Australia”). She is now planning her April and May 2012 sojourn in New York, Montreal and Ottawa with the help of “The Wrapping Cloth”*. Her busy schedule includes a two day workshop in Hudson – April 25th and 26th and at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum, Almonte – April 28th and 29th.
For more information: download profile or check out her web site www.feltbetter.com
How to make a creative piece of flat felt
How to make felt beads
How to make pre-felt to create graphic shapes and pictures
Learn the basics of cobweb and nuno felt
Three dimensional felt items
Design and Make a felt bag using the techniques from Day 1.
Learn about the International felting ‘scene and how to access supplies
WORKSHOP FEE: $95 per day or $175 for 2 days
Supply kit $25 per person
Refreshment provided but please bring your own lunch
To reserve a place: email
or contact Jennifer Ryder Jones at 613 256 8373
Friends of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum host a fundraising dance.
The Friends invite you for an evening of country dancing and singing featuring the solid gold musical talents of the Bowes Brothers, from 8pm 'til midnight at the Civitan Hall in Almonte, Friday March 30th, 2012.
The Bowes Brothers are true blue sons of the soil with deep roots in Carleton Place, and their heartfelt songwriting attests to the trials and triumphs of country life. Their soulful four-part harmonies and pure country sound have earned the Bowes Brothers a place onstage with stars like Ricky Skaggs, Ronnie Prophet and Michelle Wright.
For a sampling of the Bowes Brothers' music please visit:
Join us for some yodeling good fun!
Cost is $15.00/person; Tickets are available at Baker Bob’s, the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) and at the door.
-Door prizes and a 50/50 draw
-Sandwiches and sweets served at 11 pm
-Drinks can be purchased at the bar.
Note: Baker Bob’s is located at 73 Little Bridge Street, the MVTM is at 3 Rosamond St, and the Civitan Hall is at 500 Almonte St.. All three locations are in Almonte.
If you would like more information about the event please contact the museum at 613-256-3754 x7 or by email at info@mvtm.ca.
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum is hosting...

"Soup for Thought" . The Lunch Fundraiser aims to satisfy two appetites: your hunger for food and your aesthetic sense.
Food and museum lovers attending the lunch will enjoy gourmet soup from the best restaurants in Almonte, and take home the handmade stoneware bowl it was served in, courtesy of the Almonte Potter's Guild's fine craftsmanship.

Buttered rolls, dessert, coffee or tea will round out the complementary menu. Contributing all this wonderful food will be Foodies Fine Foods, Heirloom Cafe Bistro, Cafe Postino, J.R's Family Restaurant, Savory Pursuits, and Robin's Nest Tea Room.
Mark your calendar for lunch on Saturday March 3rd, from 12:00 - 3.00 pm, at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in Almonte. The Museum will also be holding a Silent Auction at this event.
Tickets are $20.00 for Adults, $10.00 6-18 yrs, under 6 free. Available at Baker Bob's of 73 Little Bridge Street in Almonte and at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum of 3 Rosamond Street East in Almonte.
For more details about this event please contact our Curator, Michael Rikley-Lancaster, at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum at 613-256-3754 x7 or by email at curator@mvtm.ca.
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum launches a new exhibition visiting from PEI.
The exhibition is titled Letters and the works are produced by artist Nancy Cole.
Nancy Cole is a textile artist based in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Her contemporary practice is based on traditional quilting skills, which she uses to produce concept-based textile art with a strong narrative component. As she puts it, "Through my own language of abstraction, I tell stories. Stories about foreign adoption, synchronicity, Canadian cultural identity, etc...."
Ms. Cole makes all of her pieces out of multiple layers of silk, often heavily frayed, and each layer contributes to the storytelling. A recent series of semi-transparent and textured panels is titled "Sorrowful Letters". Inspired by Henryk Gorecki's third symphony, she's incorporated diaries and letters of three Island women from the mid-20th Century, a period that Cole calls "... a time rife with fear of (the) world('s) annihilation."
The exhibition “Letters” runs at the museum from Tuesday February 7th until Saturday April 14th , 2012.
The vernissage for the exhibit will be held on Saturday February 11th from 2 pm to 4 pm at that time you can meet the artist.
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum is located at 3 Rosamond Street East in Almonte.
Nancy Cole is a textile artist based in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Her contemporary practice is based on traditional quilting skills, which she uses to produce concept-based textile art with a strong narrative component. As she puts it, "Through my own language of abstraction, I tell stories. Stories about foreign adoption, synchronicity, Canadian cultural identity, etc...."
Ms. Cole makes all of her pieces out of multiple layers of silk, often heavily frayed, and each layer contributes to the storytelling. A recent series of semi-transparent and textured panels is titled "Sorrowful Letters". Inspired by Henryk Gorecki's third symphony, she's incorporated diaries and letters of three Island women from the mid-20th Century, a period that Cole calls "... a time rife with fear of (the) world('s) annihilation."
The exhibition “Letters” runs at the museum from Tuesday February 7th until Saturday April 14th , 2012.
The vernissage for the exhibit will be held on Saturday February 11th from 2 pm to 4 pm at that time you can meet the artist.
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum is located at 3 Rosamond Street East in Almonte.
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