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The Millworker's Musical
Tickets just went on sale for Spinning Yarns : The Millworkers Musical!
The musical will be staged at the Almonte Old Town Hall either call or book your tickets online. All proceeds from the amateur production will be donated to the MVTM.
Don't delay check your calendar and book a seat! Evening performances at Nov 17th, 24th,25th at 7:30 pm. Mariners are Nov 17th, 19th, 26th at 2pm.
For further info visit
Temporary Exhibit
A life time of Collecting Part #1.
Canadian Handwoven Jacquard Coverlets from the Dennis and Sylvia Mills Collection. Are on viewing at the MVTM until December 2023 from 1-4pm
Check out the events tabs at
Just an hour drive from Ottawa, On
You may be interested in a scenic drive to check out this venue.
Click the link at the top of the page for the description of the days events and vendors.
Don't be left out - stay tuned for upcoming summer and early fall events!
April 29 – July 22, 2023
Knit Markers: Collaborating with Machines
Knit Markers: Collaborating with Machines is the first solo exhibition for the artistic duo Greta Grip and Lee Jones. Knit markers, otherwise known as stitch markers, are a knitting tool used to identify an important place in your knitting. In the same way, the works in this exhibition mark, record, and tangibilize both the collective and individual memories gathered throughout the installation period, as well as how that data is interpreted and visualized by machines. In this installation, Grip and Jones explore how data is gathered and the invisible traces we leave behind. In these participatory artworks, visitor data is translated into soft, tangible visualizations through machines that knit or unwind stitches in response to visitor interactions. When collaborating with machines they will at times respond in unexpected ways, revealing the ways machines act as their own material.
April 29 – July 22, 2023
Woven Woods: A Journey through the Forest Floor
Woven Woods: A journey through the Forest Floor is a collection of twelve round fabric wall hangings composed of fabrics of all kinds such as dyed and printed cottons, some silks, a variety of synthetics and sheers, and cotton batting. The work interprets the fascinating system of tree root communication facilitated by forest fungi, with research for the project inspired by the work of Dr. Suzanne Simard of UBC, a leader in the field of forest biology, who generously gave of her time and knowledge.
From Friday, August 11 through to Sunday, August 13th, 2023 participate in Workshops, Activities, and wares for sale. The Twist festival will be hosted in Saint- Andre- Avellin, PQ.
At present the website is under construction
August 5 – October 7, 2023
Among the Garbage and the Flowers
Among the Garbage and the Flowers is a collection of new work by eleven Canadian textile artists, curated by Susan Avishai. These women are refining and redefining fibre techniques using cast-off and reclaimed materials, creating art that combines ingenuity and new purpose with a truly contemporary voice.
Almonte's 28th Fibrefest 2023. Wednesday Sept 6- Sunday Sept 10. Once again hosted by the Missisippi Valley Textile Museum
A festival of the fibre arts. Come out to the Friendly Town of Almonte on September 9th and 10th for the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum’s 28th Annual Fibrefest. Hosted at two locations; the Almonte Community Centre and the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum. Local guilds will demonstrate spinning, knitting, weaving, rug hooking, lacemaking, smocking and quilting. Vendors include finished fibre goods and other textile related supplies from across the province, as well as quilt shops and alpaca farms.
Workshops from September 6 – 10
Vendors and Demonstrations on the 9th (10 am – 5 pm) and 10th (10 am – 4 pm)
Have car will Travel
Ottawa Annual Fibre Fling 2023
is back!
The Kitchissippi United Church is hosting the event on April 21/22.
Come and see the beautiful textile and mixed media works of art created by local "Out of the box artists.
For more information