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Have you registered for the Ontario Spin- Off?

Check in to see details of this and previous years spin off's.

Spin Off Competitions are an attribute to the artist who takes the fleece from it's virgin state to a fine hand spun yarn. Appreciate and educate yourself on the process of the spinners abilities and the judging that take place to evaluate the spinner that places in this competition

The spin off competition is a wonderful opportunity to have your prized fleece transformed into a hand-spun sample; to learn about the attributes the spinner values for preparation and spinning and the final assessment of the resulting hand spun yarn.


Are you interested in a Spin Off Retreat?


As a comparison to Canadian Spin Off the USA has a dedicated Spin Off scholarship.
It's goal is to encourage fiber students to expand their interest in spinning, to share valuable information within the spinning community, as well as to preserve, expand, and promote spinning in the community at large.

Visit the website link above to expand your knowledge of the Illinois Spin Off

Mark your Calenders

The Ontario Handweavers & Spinners is a vibrant organization that encourages, inspires, enables, and sustains the unique work of handweaving, spinning and related fibre arts.

You may want to check out the site and see what events are unfolding for the year 2013!

Check them out at http://www.ohs.on.ca