Diane Lemire draws inspiration from the world around her to create mixed-media sculptures, textile art, and paintings that subtly evoke a sense of memory, time, and place. For the past 15 years she has been discovering and experimenting with the numerous techniques of felting, allowing herself to be seduced by this ancient craft of working with raw wool, incessantly exploring the fusion of natural fibers with recycled materials.

PARADOX is a show about embracing the bitter-sweet truth of nurturing, through installation, sculpture, and art work. What challenges transpire when you are one of 12 or 14 children? Or, on the other hand, are the hard-working Mother?

In her unique style, Diane will be honoring a period of time when women gave birth to many children. Being one of 11 children herself, she will share her memories and stories based on her perspective of nurturing. Story-telling is central to each and every piece in the gallery. Her mother’s left-behind materials are part of the core of this work. Beautiful patterned and printed textiles, her mother’s clothes, and discarded found objects of no great importance. Like a chameleon they undergo a transformation, becoming part of a narrative of the senses: emotion and tactile beauty welcome everyone who wishes to enter this journey.

Diane Lemire was born in Val D’Or, Quebec (Canada). She has spent her formative years traveling and working abroad, and consequently studied Fine Art at the University of Ottawa. In 2010 and 2014 Diane was awarded the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum Award.

She has exhibited in Canada and Europe, and her work can be found in private and public collections.