Unique exhibition launches 35th year for the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum!
Heritage Habitats

As part of an exciting schedule of events marking 35 years since the incorporation of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) in Almonte, the museum is proud to host Heritage Habitats, from January 18 to March 14, 2020.  This is the first time the exhibit has been seen in Canada and brings together the work of two accomplished American artists, Ginger Owen-Murakami and Vicki VanAmeyden. This innovative exhibit invites you to think about how our past impacts our present – an echo of the museum itself.

Founded on universal human experience, Heritage Habitats invites viewers to explore a series of physical spaces and contemplate our own process of self-discovery. As the artist statement says: “Framed around nostalgia and memory, Kites, Hankies, Registered and Waterways are large scale, sculptural and experiential installations that engage in viewers’ unique memories and experiences…the work emphasizes commonalities that bind people and cultures and serve as an expression of humanism.”

As curator of the museum for over a decade, Michael Rikley-Lancaster says, “We were thrilled to be approached about hosting this intriguing exhibit.  Telling history through art ties in perfectly with what is sure to be an eventful year at the museum.”

Ginger Owen-Murakami is Professor of Photography and Intermedia at the Gwen Frostic School of Art, at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI. She holds an MFA in Photography from Louisiana State University and a BFA in Photography from The University of Central Florida. Her art derives imagery from narratives and themes of family history, race, gender, and culture. Vicki VanAmeyden received a Master of Fine Arts in Painting from Western Michigan University with a concentration in printmaking and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration from Kendall School of Design, Grand Rapids, MI. Her diverse and interdisciplinary approach to art making often includes the use of text and non-traditional materials.

The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) is in the annex of the former Rosamond Woolen Company in Almonte, Ontario. Constructed in 1867 this National Historic Site of Canada features a blend of the old and new, all related to the history of the Mississippi Valley and the textile industry.  Enjoy the Heritage Habitats exhibit and then take time to explore the permanent exhibit on the second floor to immerse in the tools and processes of the textile industry that set the stage for the industrial growth of this area.

For more information, or to schedule an interview, contact the curator, Michael Rikley-Lancaster, curator@mvtm.ca, 613-256-3754.

Mississippi Valley Textile Museum
3 Rosamond Street East
Almonte, Ontario K0A 1A0
Phone: (613) 256-3754
Email: curator@mvtm.ca        https://mvtm.ca/