Fetival of the Trees

 Members of the WCFG graciously participated in Adrian Baker's challenge , contributing strips of fabric. These strips were showcased in an exhibit called the Festival of Trees.

Adrian has sent an update on her progress


I recently submitted a proposal to put up an “abridged” version of Net-Work at the “Mississauga Festival of Trees”. I’m calling this version “The Mother Tree” to represent the large trees in a forest that help sustain all the trees around them.


As mentioned earlier, there are 295 hand-crafted strands all carefully sorted and stored in my studio. As artists were given a 10’ x 10’ space for this festival, I could only use about 100 of the strands for this installation. What a difficult choice!! I went through them all and in the end selected strands that were of a similar length.


Attached are some images of the installation process, and the “Mother Tree” installed.
It consists of 2 woven willow hoops, 6ft & 3 ft wide, one inside the other. Strands hang down from each hoop, and lights shine down between the two layers. The whole “tree” is 13.5 feet high, and the “roots” stretch out to 10 ft.


The space was still wide open on Monday when I put this up, but there will be other tree-inspired installations and a craft show there as well. For those in the Toronto area, the Mississauga Festival of Trees runs from Dec. 9 to Dec. 19. https://www.creativehub1352.ca/festival-of-trees



Fibre event in Kingston Ontario


October 23 - November 4, 2021. 10AM–5PM daily.
Tett Centre Gallery
Kingston Fibre Artists

The Kingston Fibre Artists are so pleased to announce that they will hold their fall show “Art Threads 2021” in the Gallery at The Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning in Kingston, Ontario, from October 23rd until November 4th, 2021, 10am to 5pm daily.


This is KFA's 22nd annual exhibition and features new work by local artists.


As teaser to their show, check out the Kingston Fibre Artists’ online gallery to view images of uniquely designed boxes created by members using fabric, stitch, beading, and other embellishments. Enjoy!






Dye Garden

Project Overview: The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in partnership with the Mississippi Mills Public Library proposes a dye garden/bed featuring plants typically grown for use as textile dyes. The project connects with the history of the area as the Rosamond Woolen company in Almonte once had a dye house, and also addresses contemporary interest in natural dyeing processes. The garden will contain many of the plants that are typically used to make dyes. It will be a great opportunity for education, interpretation, and workshops, beginning in spring, throughout summer and finishing in the fall (possibly at Fibrefest). Supported by museum, gardening and other volunteers, the small dye garden bed will be located on site at the library to the right of the front doors (behind the Pillar Oak tree). Bed details: A raised bed is suggested as there is no soil in that location. The bed would mirror in size, shape and possibly materials, the existing raised bed located to the right of the bread oven. Materials can include cedar ties, boards or galvanized steel. Next Steps: Fundraising and/or sponsorship needed to obtain materials. Materials needed: Soil (½ cubic yard?), wood, seeds and/or seedlings (Thea Haines has provided a preliminary list of plants. See list below). Solicit more interest and volunteers (Men’s Shed for building?) Proposed Calendar of Activities Date Activity Description Resources/Notes Spring Plant/seed selection and uses: botany and history, First Nations cultivation, and medieval European to industrial period. Local seed/gardening expert (or possibly guest from Richter’s Herbs, Guildwood ON) See: Seeds/propagation/gardening, botany, first nations/european/colonial horticultural histories, arts/crafts collections at library. Dye bath recipes and artefacts at MVTM. Late spring Seed sowing and soil fertility Potential for seed sowing and composting workshops Summer Plant care and interpretation Interpretive signs identifying the plants and uses/colours achieved Late summer Cultivation and preparation of plant material for dyeing. Possible guests: Textile artist Tania Love, Thea Haines (head of textile department at Sheridan College and natural dye consultant) Zoom presentation. Using plants to make dyes or direct printing Eco-Printmaking/textile/art making collections at library Fall Natural fibre dyeing – wool fleece and cotton See Late summer Late fall Seed harvesting for next year How to collect and store seeds Fall/winter What to do with your dyed material. Contemporary and historical uses Historical uses lecture. Spinning, knitting, felting, sewing workshops tie-dye homemade face masks cotton scrunchies yarn for knitting, felting or macrame VOLUNTEERS NAME INFO CONTACT JOB INTEREST Jo Harris Weaver/West Carleton Fibres Guild joharris8@gmail.com Kathryn James spinner/natural dyer klj323@gmail.com Foraged materials? Jane Low West Carleton Fibres Guild jane.ben.low@gmail.com SPEAKERS/WORKSHOP HOSTS Tania Love Fibre artist/natural dyes Guest speaker Thea Haines Head of Textiles, Sheridan College, textile artist and natural dye consultant thea.e.f.haines@gmail.com Plant information and donation, guest speaker Plant suggestions (source: Thea Haines) If you're working primarily with wool, you have a wealth of choice in plants. Here's a list of plants I'd recommend: Annuals dyer's coreopsis marigold scabiosa (pin cushion flower) Biennials weld woad Perennials black eyed susan dyer's chamomile/golden marguerite lady's bedstraw madder tansy rhubarb (leaves can be used as a mordant) Japanese maple & Elderberry (both can be used for eco printing) Most of these plants are really easy to care for. A resource I would recommend is the book A Dyer's Garden by Rita Buchanan. A good source for plants and seeds is Richter's Herbs in Goodwood, Ontario.

Explore the Almonte Fibrefest virtually

Once again Covid has changed the look of Almonte's Fibrefest. From Sept 7- 30,2021 guest Artists will vitually demonstrate their craft such as spinning, weaving,felting,rughooking, quilting and more. Familiarize yourself with virtual workshops and participating Artists. http://almontefibrefest.ca

Our Fibre Guild has a You tube channel



We would like to express our appreciation for all those involved in the creation of this video, and those that shared examples of their exquisite work. Many of the guild members were generous in showcasing their talents.


Kiingston Ontario is planning ahead


 Upcoming Event


Did you wonder what is happening in your neck of the woods


follow this link to view what is happening in Ontario Hand Spinners and  Weavers guild. 

CLICK on the poster to enlarge and view

Note the OHS conference 2021. Please visit the website for further information

 Please click on the image to enlarge the poster for better viewing

Please note if you are interested in participating or volunteering


2021 Ontario Handspinning Seminar


Register here for access to the 2021 Handspinning Seminar. June 11 - 13 we will be releasing articles, videos, and slideshows. As well as having live question and answer periods and social events over Zoom and on Facebook! You will also be able to watch and read all the content until August 31.

As we are a small team during the weekend of The Seminar we could use some volunteers to help keep an eye on things in the Facebook group and during the Live Q&As. If you would be willing to help out please consider signing up to volunteer.

 Copy this link below in to your browser to register


Call for Entries! Don't miss your chance.. Please check out deadlines

The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum wants to Exhibit Your Textile Crafts!

Any Age, Any Ability Welcome

During the pandemic, an unprecedented amount of crafting has occurred. From the first lockdown in March 2020, uncertainty, anxiety, and a whole lot more time at home has spurred us on to crafting as a soothing balm for our minds.

We want to see the textile projects that you completed in 2020 or are working on in 2021. Though it's been a while since we've seen you, we know that you've been making loads of things at home. We have recently launched a virtual gallery on our website, and we'd like to show your textile work. Whether you are a keen textile newbie, picking up a long-forgotten project, or making crafts with the kids – no matter! Any project, big or small, with a textile or fibre element to it is great.

Submit your work to our Virtual Gallery
Please send us a maximum of 3 of your best pictures of your textile craft project (we are a textile museum, after all!), with a short description of the work. Pictures with your name and description will be posted on our NEW virtual exhibit page (mvtm.ca/virtual-exhibits/). We will do our best to post all work submitted, however submissions will be selected for clarity and relevance.

Description - Answer the following:

  • Maker's name and location (Ex. Jane Smith, Almonte ON)
  • Type of textile project (Ex. Finger knitted scarf) · What have you (or the maker) enjoyed about making it?
  • How has crafting helped you during this time? (2 -3 sentences only please)
  • Pictures: Take pictures as close as possible to the object, using daylight for clearest detail and best colour

Submit questions and files to Melanie Girdwood-Brunton at m.girdwood@mvtm.ca
Submission deadline: September 1, 2021

Fiberarts in the Ottawa Valley is still alive ! With or without Covid Fibre Artists are very busy.



Make sure you take note of the Fibre Fling's website address. It is soon to start this week! 

Out of the Box is excited to present the 10th edition of our popular annual Fibre Fling Art Show and Sale – virtually this year. Although we cannot meet physically, we have continued to create beautiful works of art!   We hope you enjoy browsing through this stunning collection of original pieces by talented local textile and mixed-media artists



What's happening at the MVTM you ask??



 Check out the events link above and Mark your calendars

Sept 8-12, 2021 is Fibrefest....Admission is $7.00 for the day , best deal in town at the MVTM. 

Don't forget the traditional "Soup  for Thought" fundraiers, Sept 19, 2021- 11:30 am - 2 pm.


And you won't want to turn down the opportunity to visit MTVM in Almonte to see their exhibitions on display if you haven't already been their guests.

Do visit the link below to familiarize yourself with the permanent exhibits and the temporary exhibit coming in the fall..


Mid Atlantic Fibre Assoc. presents........................




MAFA 2021 – Our “Virtual” Creative Community will be held
June 24-27, 2021

With nearly 80 online classes in weaving, spinning, dyeing, felting, basketmaking, and other fiber arts, plus lectures, an interactive vendor marketplace and special events, MAFA 2021 is sure to be a fun and inspiring experience. Download the brochure and visit the pages linked below for all our conference information


Royal Ontario Museum Presents:



The Cloth that Changed the World


While we recognize that physically traveling to and attending this exhibit is not something we can do of late... Why not take the audio tour posted on the link provided above?


This exhibit follows the road that India has paved into history through their painted and printed cottons. Carving the fashion industry as we know it today, as well as having a profound effect on trade and commerce.

 View the video on the making of chinz- a fascinating catalog of the task at hand, Who knew buffalo milk, seeds and rusty old iron bits, molasses combined would provide such a colour  palate?

What does a Dye maker, a block maker and a study room have in common? Zip down to the bottom the page on the link above. Learn how two experts marvel over the Museums artifacts and their evaluation of different processes in the making of this cloth and their beautiful painted designs.  


The Royal Ontario Museum has many online collections for your viewing, You may find something of interests in the links provided. While exhibits are closed at present there are descriptions and audio and often video available through the links           






The above are only a select few of what is presented on line. Take  your time to explore.