Check it out!


The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum has permanent displays worth your attention !

Please follow on the link above. 

Fabric of a Small Town is an important permanent exhibit of the museum. On display is a collection of textile machinery and equipment used by mill workers.




Faces and Fabric of a Small Town during a pandemic.

MVTM and Ryan Gordon Photography have paired up to " Faces & Fabric of a Small Town During a Pandemic. Would you like to be captured in this historical time? Please follow the link above to read all above it and don't hesitate to contact the Museum Curator if you are interested in participating in such an adventure

West Carleton Fibre Guild 2020 Fibrefest Contribution

At a time when Covid restriction are being regarded key members of  the Fibre Guild made this video for your viewing. The WCFG banner displays many different mediums and techniques used in the Fibre Art’s with members donating their skills. Please enjoy. 

Fibrefest 2020

Please visit the site linked above.
FibreFest 2020 has a new look this year.
Because of Covid 19, Almonte’s Fibrefest will be a virtual event.

Fibre Artsists for your entertainment..

 While we are under wraps with restrictions we are still able to appreciate and view Fibre Artists and their wares through the wonders of Internet activity.

I have found one site in the USA that has asked their Artists to upload youtube videos of their creations that have been Juried. If you click the link then scroll down through the body of the text you will find the videos.

Hopefully we will find more of these examples of virtual Fibre exhibits over the next few months until such a time that we are able to visit the galleries ourselves

keep your fingers crossed!

As we enter the summer and the restrictions on the day we do hope the fall will allow us more opportunity.

Almonte's Fibre festival held in September has not been postponed to date.
Please stay tuned and  update your calendar for any changes. The website link above  will give you any news on the Festival festivities or cancelations.

Stay safe!

During this time of Pandemic the West Carleton guild is keeping to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health. All guild physical meetings are cancelled until further notice. However guild members and interested parties can still continue to share information through the powers of the internet.

Would you like to participate in a Net- work of Fibre Artists ? April 30th deadline!

I have enclosed the above like for you to look at the project in greater detail, as well as the background information .

Hi everyone. 
The fibre ‘strands’ have started to arrive, and it’s very exciting to see what people are making! I’m grateful that so many creative people have become involved in this project – we are over 90 participants now (!) from several different countries. There’s still lots of time, you have till April 30 to create a strand for this installation. 
As mentioned, your piece can be knitted, crocheted, woven or otherwise created with fibre, anywhere between 1” to 6” wide, and up to 10 or 15 feet long!!  (shorter strands will be attached to create long ones). You can use any material (yarn, string, jute, natural or synthetic) in any colour or colour combination.
Remember, the piece you create is your interpretation of the theme: the underground ‘network’ of mycorrhizal fungi which allows trees to communicate through their roots. It also represents our connection to each other through other types of networks such as the internet. All the strands will be suspended/interwoven to create one large installation which in turn symbolizes our connection to the natural world. 
Several people have asked me what will happen to the installation after the exhibit. I’ve been asked to submit a proposal to exhibit the installation Mississippi Mills Textile Museum in Ontario. (TBA) After that, I haven’t yet formulated a plan for the yarn, but it will definitely not be ‘tossed’. I have a few ideas and am open to suggestions!  
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thanks again for your interest!
Adrian Baker
280 Wilson Street, Appleton
RR.3, Almonte, Ontario
Canada  K0A 1A0

Check out the new kid on the block!

This comes from:

                  The  Mint and Honey
                  Tea and  Gift Emporium
Located at 150 Katimavik Rd, Unit 120, Kanata On

Hello lovely knitters,  

Sorry I don’t have everybody’s emails but I thought to reach out to you and let you know that I am dedicating a knitting spot at the shop for drop-ins. It was so nice hanging out around you when you came to the store a few months ago. I created a Facebook event for a self-guided knitting drop in time on Wednesdays between 3 and 5pm. The slot can also be booked for a group of people, in which case I will have to close the store depending on the number. Of course you are welcome to book any other times. I hope you can share this information with your knitting friends so they know there is a space available if they feel like a change of scenery.

Spring Fibre Fair in Lyndsay, On

Fibre and Textile Award Announcement

Mississippi Mills Textile Museum announces new fibre and textile art award
MVTM announces a new fibre and textile art award – apply now!
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) is proud to launch the first KDS Fibre and Textile Art Award, to recognize excellence in fibre and textile art. It’s been created as a showcase of the most current and versatile approaches to fibre as a medium. In order to profile the breadth of the craft, not one, but three award categories are in place to celebrate the work of emerging and established women artists aged 50 and over.
The contest is open to all Canadian female artists over 50 who have produced artwork in the last two years with fibre or textile as the principal element. Each entry should include up to three images along with a brief description of each artwork along with a one-page CV.
All submissions will be juried by a committee. Selected artists will be awarded in one of three categories: established artist, $3000; mid-career artists, $1500; emerging artist, $500. Winners will be notified by the summer of 2020. An awards gala will be held later in the year along with an opportunity to have their work on display at the museum in the near future.
MVTM curator Michael Rikley-Lancaster says, “What an honour to launch this award as both part of the 35th anniversary of the museum and the 25th year of Fibrefest. And what a double honour to do so because a private donor wanted to establish, and fund, an award to empower female artists. It’s a great way to give back to the textile arts community and to show the support for the type of art and craft that is so fundamental to all that has made the museum the dynamic place it is today.  All of us – staff, volunteers, artists – are grateful for this gift and challenge.”
Are you ready to take the plunge? Entry fee is $40 and you have until Friday, March 20, 2020 to send in an application – just get onto the MVTM website for more details and make the magic happen!
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum is in the annex of the former Rosamond Woolen Company in Almonte, Ontario. Constructed in 1867 this National Historic Site of Canada features a blend of the old and new, all related to the history of the Mississippi Valley and the textile industry.  Visit, become a donor, become a volunteer – our history is your history!
For more information contact the curator, Michael Rikley-Lancaster,, 613-256-3754.

Heading west of Ottawa this spring?

Kitchener Waterloo Weavers and Spinners Guild
Exhibit at the Button Factory, 25 Regina St S, Waterloo
Fibre Paths, February 7-29 2020
Opening February 7, 5-7pm
Fibre Paths Every life path is unique and intertwined.  Each Journey is personal and layered.  In Fibre Paths, memories, traditions and person narratives are brought to life through fibre art.  The threads of our stories lead us through colour, shape and texture to arrive at a finished work that is woven and spun into meaning and form.  We invite you to witness our journeys.
Saturday, March 14 th 10 – 4
Peterborough Sport & Wellness Centre
775 Brealey Drive, Peterborough

Come and celebrate everything fibre with the Peterborough Weavers & Spinners Guild!

Sheep to Shawl Demonstration
Make and Take Area *
Stock up on fibre, yarn and related fibre supplies
Treat yourself to a unique, handmade gift item
Explore and Register for Future Fibre Courses *
Admission $5 cash Lots of Door Prizes Kids 12 and under free

For more information see Facebook: Peterborough Fibre Arts Festival

Plan ahead for an early summer of events

WASOON 2020 in Muskoka - May 01 - 03
Feed your creative curiosity at WASOON 2020!  There are so many temptations: 1) 34 stimulating workshops led by gifted instructors 2) Entertaining Key Note Speaker William Hodge who will share inspiring wisdom  3) 13 Vendors with motivating products  4) The calm, quiet, spectacular beauty of Muskoka to rouse your senses. 5) Workshops, Meals, Accommodation, Friday Evening Social, Saturday Banquet, Key Note Address, Vendors, Silent Auction, Guild Displays  all housed either at Hidden Valley Resort or next door at Hidden Valley Highlands Ski Chalet.

 Register at:


Unique exhibition launches 35th year for the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum!
Heritage Habitats

As part of an exciting schedule of events marking 35 years since the incorporation of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) in Almonte, the museum is proud to host Heritage Habitats, from January 18 to March 14, 2020.  This is the first time the exhibit has been seen in Canada and brings together the work of two accomplished American artists, Ginger Owen-Murakami and Vicki VanAmeyden. This innovative exhibit invites you to think about how our past impacts our present – an echo of the museum itself.

Founded on universal human experience, Heritage Habitats invites viewers to explore a series of physical spaces and contemplate our own process of self-discovery. As the artist statement says: “Framed around nostalgia and memory, Kites, Hankies, Registered and Waterways are large scale, sculptural and experiential installations that engage in viewers’ unique memories and experiences…the work emphasizes commonalities that bind people and cultures and serve as an expression of humanism.”

As curator of the museum for over a decade, Michael Rikley-Lancaster says, “We were thrilled to be approached about hosting this intriguing exhibit.  Telling history through art ties in perfectly with what is sure to be an eventful year at the museum.”

Ginger Owen-Murakami is Professor of Photography and Intermedia at the Gwen Frostic School of Art, at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI. She holds an MFA in Photography from Louisiana State University and a BFA in Photography from The University of Central Florida. Her art derives imagery from narratives and themes of family history, race, gender, and culture. Vicki VanAmeyden received a Master of Fine Arts in Painting from Western Michigan University with a concentration in printmaking and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration from Kendall School of Design, Grand Rapids, MI. Her diverse and interdisciplinary approach to art making often includes the use of text and non-traditional materials.

The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) is in the annex of the former Rosamond Woolen Company in Almonte, Ontario. Constructed in 1867 this National Historic Site of Canada features a blend of the old and new, all related to the history of the Mississippi Valley and the textile industry.  Enjoy the Heritage Habitats exhibit and then take time to explore the permanent exhibit on the second floor to immerse in the tools and processes of the textile industry that set the stage for the industrial growth of this area.

For more information, or to schedule an interview, contact the curator, Michael Rikley-Lancaster,, 613-256-3754.

Mississippi Valley Textile Museum
3 Rosamond Street East
Almonte, Ontario K0A 1A0
Phone: (613) 256-3754